Conjunctivitis Eyes: Symptoms, Precautions and treatment
Conjunctivitis Eyes: Can you get the pink eye from looking into someone's eyes? Know its symptoms, how it spreads, and what precautions and treatment should be taken. Conjunctivitis can cause redness, itching, and discharge in the eyes. Affected individuals may experience difficulty opening their eyes in the morning due to the formation of eye crusts. The eyes may appear swollen, and a person might become sensitive to light. Conjunctivitis is often caused by viral or bacterial infections or allergies. However, it does not affect your vision, and the eyes usually recover completely after treatment or recovery from the illness. Conjunctivitis spreads rapidly and can survive on surfaces like door handles, towels, tissues, etc., for an extended period. It can also spread quickly in environments with poor ventilation. To avoid getting infected with conjunctivitis, one should refrain from touching surfaces after coming into contact with infected eyes. It is also not recommended to share ...